About Us
About Us

The sensory integration that the human being is capable of developing; It leads us to believe faithfully that we can always give more than we are used to and not just settle for the already known senses. In any circumstance of life, you must see the positive, learn from mistakes and never give up. This is how 3 guys who carry in their blood those characteristics of struggle and perseverance founded this amazing company called Seven Sense. 

The first member is Rosbin Jiménez: A Costa Rican passionate of the life, a tireless fighter who from a very young age had to work to help his mother and sister. A lover of history, of knowing who we are, ¡¡¡what are our roots and what means in our country to carry a Pura Vida!! inside. A lover of nature and culture of our country, a young man who went had many personal difficulties, but never gave up; He went ahead, finishing his studies and always with the goal of transmitting and applying his knowledge, leaving a mark in the sand for those who want to follow his example of struggle and perseverance.

It is on this path that Rosbin meets a beautiful nurse whose name is Nixy Dinarte: She fell in love with him from the first moment that she met him, she found in him the qualities that complemented her life, since both identified themselves as lovers of nature, lovers of life and proud of having been born in this beautiful homeland called Costa Rica. Nixy, being a passionate woman for what she does, a lover of animals and children, always ready to take on new challenges and expand in knowledge; she encourages her partner to fight to have their own inclusive innovative tourism company, where families, regardless of the age or special needs of their members, can have the experiential experience of each tours and services offered in the company. 

This is how the idea of implementing mixed virtual reality was born, a technology that allows you to enjoy a place or object within the reach of a click regardless distance or time, from the comfort of where customers are, taking advantage of all the experience that Rosbin has in an innovative technique. One summer afternoon, having a delicious coffee, Rosbin was talking with Nixy, about who could be the person who would join them to develop Seven Sense project, someone with vision, with personality, with experience, with the same convictions of love for nature and culture. A person who loves what she does and who always knew how to go the extra mile in her work, who was not afraid of challenges and who knew how transmit serenity when she’ll has to take decisions. This is how María Pizzarro joins to this wonderful project. 

Maria Pizzarro: She is Rosbin's sister, that's right; a sister by "choice", life has taught these guys that family is not only a blood bond, it’s a link of actions that determine who are the people that you decide to be part of the family nucleus. María lost her father, an adult over 74 years old, who was her inseparable love and her accomplice in adventures. A man who inherited extraordinary values, the love for life and trying to be a better human being than we were yesterday, that is why she loves social work especially with older adults, since she sees in them angels who have delivered so much to our society and perhaps, some people are not given them the importance that really deserve.


Why Seven sense?

-  Because our country is made up of 7 provinces, where each of them has great biodiversity, totally different from each other, their culture, nature, gastronomy and people are the essential component that make us different worldwide. 

-  Because 7 are the senses that the human body develops as sensory integration to gather information about the surrounding environment in order to survive. 

-  Because we are not conformists and we don’t limit ourselves to using only the known senses, on the contrary, we always propose give more, trying to adapt to any circumstance or need, where human quality, professionalism, ethics, responsibility and because the passion of what we do, make the difference of who we are.

-  Because we wanted to combine technology, education, culture, nature, adventure, family and social work. 7 elements that will be our standard to develop in each service that we’ll be provide throughout the existence of be part of Seven Sense.



Many years ago, the first inhabitants of Costa Rica (indigenous) had the belief that an animal lives inside each person that represents their spirit and the way they face life. The Jaguar is a sacred animal for the indigenous people that represents strength, intelligence, beauty and power. An animal capable of taking its most agile instincts to the extreme, adapting to any environment using the 7 senses, becoming a God in the jungle. According to indigenous legends; When the Sun God comes down to earth, he does so by transforming into a Jaguar and thus being able to supervise even the smallest corner of the earth, even seeing through the darkness, managing to see the needs of his brothers the animals at night and during the day. That is why in many of indigenous works of art, you will always find a Jaguar, because is a symbol of honor and respect for this majestic animal. 

Why Míshka?? 

Following the line of honoring our ancestors, we take the word Míshka from the Bribri language, which means: Come on !!!, Yes, we can !!, A motivation to keep going and achieve what you set out to do!! That’s why we wanted to combine the extraordinary characteristics of the Jaguar with a motivational word or phrase that our indigenous people would use and that is how our character Míshka was born. A Míshka who explores our beautiful country is his 7 senses, A Mishka that when it should be strong it is, A Mishka capable of overcoming any obstacle or adversity. A Mishka that never gives up. A Miska with a huge and kind heart helping others. A Mishka who loves nature and finally a Mishka who teaches us that we can always achieve what we set out to do, if every day we seek to be a better version of ourselves. Come and discover with Seven Sense what it means to carry a Míshka inside us.

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